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CPTu Instruction in Nairobi, Kenya

Gouda Geo-Equipment BV

Last week the engineering staff of Kenyan geotechnical company Treavic Geosystems and Engineering Ltd. was trained over a period of 10 days on how to do piezocone CPTu tests and how to process and interpret the data. The Treavic team consisted of 7 young engineers including 2 lady engineers (girl power!!). The instruction was done by Gouda-Geo’s long-term friend, CPT expert and director of Grondzaak Integrated Services Mr. Jehu Nwosu.

Treavic Geosystems purchased last year a lightweight 200 kN CPT penetrometer set complete with all necessities for digital piezocone CPTu testing according to ISO 22476-1 and ASTM D5778-12. This means that they have the capabilities to do CPTu tests meeting the most stringent demands.

We congratulate Johnbosco Obunga, the technical director of Treavic Geosystems, with the purchase of this high-end equipment and wish him and his team all the best with the upcoming projects. We will support you!
